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Quick Note
One thing to note is the syntax highlighting on this site will be wrong because the tool I am using doesn’t support Ilex (obviously). I do have a Visual Studio Code extension for correct syntax highlighting while editing though. I chose not to use screenshots with correct syntax highlighting because this was you can copy and paste the code if you’d like. Also my spelling is notoriously bad so if you find any spdlling mistakes just let me know.
Hello World!
Here you will learn how to do the obligitory ‘Hello World!’ first program. Make a file ending in .ilex and type:
println("Hello, World!")
Now run the file and you should see Hello, World!
You may have noticed there is no semicolon. Semicolons in Ilex are optional. So
println("Hello, World!");
Is perfectly valid as well. At the moment error messages are more acurate if you use semicolons but this is a known issue that will be addressed. So if you’re not using semicolons and are getting some unrelated error try using semicolons on the lines you think might have the issue and that should help the compiler out and give you a better error message.
Ilex has three different ways to comment:
// This is a single line comment
This is a
multiline comment
This is also a
multiline comment
Comments can be nested as well:
This is also a
multiline comment
This is a comment inside a comment
This is also a comment inside a comment
// Yay comments!
Multiline comments can mix the start and stop
Like so