
Table of contents

  1. Operators
  2. Precedence
    1. Ternary Operator
    2. Null Coalescing Operator
    3. Nullish Coalescing Operator
    4. Falsy


Operator Description Example
and, && Returns true if both operands are truthy values otherwise false true && true
or, || Returns the first truthy operand unless all are false and the last operand is returned true || false
not, ! Returns the inverse boolean value for a given operand !true
+ Adds the values on either side of the operator together, aslo concatinates strings 10 + 10, “hello” + “ world”
- Subtracts the values on either side of the operator together 10 - 10
* Multiplies the values on either side of the operator together 10 * 2
/ Divides the values on either side of the operator together. 10 / 3
% Modulo of values on either side of the operator 10 % 2
** Exponent (power) of the values 2 ** 2
& Bitwise AND of the values 10 & 2
^ Bitwise XOR of the values 10 ^ 2
| Bitwise OR of the values 10 | 2
~ Bitwise NOT of the value ~10
« Left shift operator, shifts bits left 10 « 2
« Right shift operator, shifts bits right 10 » 2
+= Same as +, however its shorthand to assign too x += 10 Same as x = x + 10
++ Same as +, however its shorthand to assign too x++ Same as x = x + 1 (postfix only for now)
-= Same as -, however its shorthand to assign too x -= 10 Same as x = x - 10
Same as -, however its shorthand to assign too x– Same as x = x - 1 (postfix only for now)
*= Same as *, however its shorthand to assign too x *= 10 Same as x = x * 10
/= Same as /, however its shorthand to assign too x /= 10 Same as x = x / 10
&= Same as &, however its shorthand to assign too x &= 10 Same as x = x & 10
^= Same as ^, however its shorthand to assign too x ^= 10 Same as x = x ^ 10
|= Same as |, however its shorthand to assign too x |= 10 Same as x = x
? Ternary operator - See below true ? ‘value’ : ‘other’
?? Null coalescing operator - See below x = func() ?? 12
??= Null coalescing operator - See below x ??= 12
?. Optional chaining - Same as checking object != null first. object?.someMethod()
|| Nullish coalescing operator - See below x = func() || 12
||= Nullish coalescing operator - See below x ||= 12


Precedence table from highest to lowest, with all operators having a left-to-right associativity.

. () []
! - ~
* /
+ -
« »
< > <= >=
== !=

Ternary Operator

The ternary operator is an operator which takes 3 operands and returns either the second or third depending on whether the first operand is truthy.

value := true ? "true!" : "false!"
println(value) // "true!"

otherValue := 0 ? "true!" : "false!"
println(otherValue) // "false!"

Null Coalescing Operator

The null coalescing operator is an operator which returns the value of its left-hand operand if it isn’t null; otherwise, it evaluates the right-hand operand and returns its result.

value := null ?? "not null"
println(value) // "not null"

otherValue := "not null" ?? "null"
println(otherValue) // "not null"

xVar := null
xVar ??= 12
println(xVar) // "12"

// xVar ??= 12 is the same as
if (xVar == null) {
    xVar = 12

Nullish Coalescing Operator

The nullish coalescing operator is an operator which returns the value of its left-hand operand if it isn’t falsy; otherwise, it evaluates the right-hand operand and returns its result.

value := 0 || "not falsy"
println(value) // "not falsy"

otherValue := true || "false"
println(otherValue) // "true"

xVar := 0
xVar ||= 12
println(xVar) // "12"

// xVar ||= 12 is the same as
if (!xVar) {
    xVar = 12


The following are considered falsy:

””, ‘’ (empty strings)
[] (empty arrays)

Where empty is defined as having a length of 0. Everything else is considered truthy.