Table of contents
Maps store key, value pairs. Maps take strings and numbers as valid key types. Maps are unordered. Meaning the values are not stored in the order they are added.
aMap := { "key1": 12, "key2": "word" }
Indexing a map uses square brackets. If you try to use a key that does not exist in the map null will be returned.
aMap := { "key1": 12, "key2": "word" }
aMap["key1"] // 12
aMap["woo"] // null
Adding a value and updating a value in the map uses the same syntax.
aMap := { "key1": 12, "key2": "word" }
aMap["key1"] = 19
println(aMap["key1"]) // 19
aMap["key3"] = "Yeet"
println(aMap["key3"]) // Yeet
map.get(key, defaultValue (optional)): value
This is like using the square brackets except if the key doesn’t exist an optional default value will be returned. The default return value if no key is found is null.
empty := {}
empty.get("key") // null
empty.get("key", 12) // 12
empty.get("key", "Key not found") // Key not found
map.size(): number
Returns the number of items in the map.
aMap := { "key1": 12, "key2": "word" }
println(aMap.size()) // 2
map.maxSize(): number
Returns the maximum amount of items the map can currently hold. As items are added to the map more space will periodically be allocated so this number will change.
aMap := { "key1": 12, "key2": "word" }
println(aMap.maxSize()) // 8
map.toString(): string
Converts the map to a string and returns it.
aMap := { "key1": 12, "key2": "word" }
println(aMap.toString()) // {"key2": "word", "key1": 12}
map.keys(): value[]
Returns all of the keys in the map as an array.
aMap := { "key1": 12, "hello": "world" }
aMap.keys() // ["hello", "key1"]
map.values(): value[]
Returns all of the values in the map as an array.
aMap := { "key1": 12, "hello": "world" }
aMap.values() // ["world", 12]
map.delete(): bool
Deletes an item from the map. Returns true if the item is deleted, false otherwise.
aMap := { "key0": 0, "key1": 1, "key2": 2 }
aMap.delete("key1") // true
println(aMap) // {"key2": 2, "key0": 0}
aMap.delete("yeet") // false
map.exists(key): bool
Returns whether or not the given key exists.
aMap := { "key0": 0, "key1": 1, "key2": 2 }
aMap.exists("key1") // true
aMap.exists("yeet") // false
map.isEmpty(): bool
Returns whether or not the map has any items in it.
map1 := {}
map2 := {"key": 12}
map1.isEmpty() // true
map2.isEmpty() // false
map.shallowCopy(): map
Creates a shallow copy of the map an returns it.
map.deepCopy(): map
Created a deep copy of the map and returns it.
map.forEach(callback: function)
Calls callback
on each item in the array. The callback function expects two arguments which will be the current key and value. This function will change in the future (adding optional index arg).
map0 := { "key1": 1, "key2": 12, "key3": "yeet" }
map0.forEach(fn |key, value| -> {
println(key, value)